Home Office

Permitted Development


Group Ginger have secured a certificate of lawful development, as formal confirmation from Selby District Council to permit the development of an outbuilding as a complementary facility to a family home which therefore does not require a detailed planning consent for the development proposal.

Group Ginger prepared information to demonstrate that the proposals met the requirements of permitted development.

We made it clear that the use adheres with the principle of Permitted Development Rights Class E; A new building which is incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling and within the curtilage of the main house for a purpose complementary to the enjoyment of the dwelling.

Group ginger are continuing to work with the client to develop the detailed design exploring the material quality and performance of the proposed new structure to meet aesthetic and environmental aspirations.  The technical design and construction details are being prepared to explore the benefits of off-site fabrication and on-site assembly to minimise disruption on site and ensure the quality of the final proposal.