Leeds Victoria Phase 2

More Than Retail


Leeds Victoria gate phase one has delivered a high-quality retail environment which extends the established shopping quarter of Leeds; anchored with a John Lewis department store which has moved from its previous out of town location back into the heart of the city.  The original masterplan proposed a continuation and further extension of the shopping district with additional uses including city centre residential.  The changing market conditions and impact to retailer confidence requires a re-appraisal of the second phase of the Victoria gate proposals.

Working with Hammerson, the developer, and ACME, the masterplan architects; group ginger have been invited to join Hammerson’s team to explore alternative uses and a revised phase two masterplan exploring the balance and mix of uses which isn’t reliant on retail to deliver the regeneration benefits to this part of the city centre. 

Group ginger have been reviewing the current existing building assets within the masterplan area and their potential conversion to offices or hotel. The new approach explores the potential to develop a masterplan that can be delivered in a series of incremental phases delivered over time. The existing building assets have the potential to bring forward development in the short-term adding value and confidence to the remaining and wider masterplan area. These Key projects are being progressed in advance of other areas to secure inward investment. The team are working closely with the local authority and specifically the Economic Development team responsible for bringing forward the delivery framework for the city’s Inclusive Growth Strategy.