Kirkstall Brewery

A refurbishment to overtly express the new building use

The existing medina Dairy is located on the northern side of Kirkstall road, Leeds and adjacent to Cavendish street which runs parallel to Kirkstall road. The proposed change of use doesn’t alter the existing footprint of the original mid-century office building but changes its appearance by recladding the building to refresh its appearance with a contemporary envelope, making it more attractive and open to visitors. The nature of Kirkstall road is evolving with a number of existing industrial employment uses being re-developed. The area benefits from a mix of users and uses but remains a significant large highway infrastructure connection into the heart of the city. The new proposals retain the existing building frontage and help to enhance the Kirkstall corridor improving this approach into and out of the city.  

The intention is to create a single building expression allowing views into the building to expose the new brewing area and to overtly express the new building use. We have explored a number of different iterations of louvres and patterns to identify a combination of; timber horizontal louvres, vertical metal fins and expressed transoms to establish a single overriding hierarchy of elements that build up the façade. This arrangement allows for different internal uses to be expressed without diluting the overall impact of the building. 



Kirkstall Brewing Company